Jonathan Eden remembers…

Jonathan Eden grew up at Hattens Farm, Metfield. Hearing about the forthcoming book METFIELD Tales from a Suffolk Village 1928–2017 has stimulated some memories.

My mother and father moved to Metfield in 1950, creating a hard but rewarding life for themselves on their idyllic dairy farm. In their mid-20s, with the whole world out there to explore, little were they to know that Metfield would be their home for the next 60 years.

My Metfield childhood friends are now my adult friends – Eastaugh, Rusted and Reilly; when we meet, our conversations hark back to our village memories.

I feel so fortunate to have grown up in Metfield. We all have our memories and stories to tell, some happy, some sad, others lost. I’m sure that this book will uncover many forgotten treasures and generate conversation and thought among us all.

Jonathan Eden July 2017

Jonathan has kindly shared a charming photo of his dad.


John Eden, Hattens Farm. Award-winning grass mid 1960s. 

Please send your memories and photos for publication on the website.

5 thoughts on “Jonathan Eden remembers…

  1. The ‘award winning grass’. My father’s grass was chosen to feature in the Farmer and Stockbreeder magazine which was a great accolade in those days as the magazine was the main agricultural publication available. The quality of grass was judged as being of exceptional quality. I imagine that he was nominated by a neighbouring farmer. For further information regarding the photographic collection of the magazine visit


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